Author Archives: Dale Burkholder
Great is thy faithfulness (Walters)
One of the most popular hymns I have had the priviledge to play. Enjoy nature around you – Great is God’s faithfulness.
Psalm 037: Come, thou fount of every blessing (Raney)
The word for Psalm 37 is “Trust” in the goodness of God. INJoy…
Psalm 036: Gott des Himmels und der Erden (Walther)
How precious is Your constant love. We find protection under the shadow of Your wings. INJoy…
Psalm 035: Just as I am (Raney)
Today our Psalm is a prayer for deliverance from those who will do us harm. INJoy…
Psalm 034: How firm a foundation (Hayes)
The Hebrew title of this Psalm says it was written after David escaped an enemy. INJoy…
Psalm 033: Praise to the Lord, the Almighty (Carter)
Today we have a Psalm of praise to God for all that God has done. INJoy…
O Canada (Krug)
Most people don’t realize there is a second verse to “O Canada”. Here is Jason W. Krug’s handbell arrangement of O Canada with the verses reversed. INJoy…
Psalm 032: Lead on, O King Eternal (Evanovich)
The Psalmist writes “The Lord says, I will teach you the way you should go”. So lead on O King Eternal INJoy…
Psalm 031: Lord keep us steadfast (Walter)
The Psalmist reminds us that God is our Rock and fortress. May we commit our lives to God’s hand. INJoy…
Psalm 030: Amazing Grace (Walters)
We return to that very familiar hymn Amazing Grace with Psalm 30